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The content provided in this PrepPack was an excellent tool to get you in the mindset of solving the questions. The information provides several techniques to solve the types of questions on the test quickly without needing to solve the entire question. After practicing for several days, I was able to answer all 50 questions on the real test within the 15 minute time frame
Excellent Resource - Highly Recommended
I had already taken the CCAT early in the year, the company had not moved forward at the time with my application for that position. 3 months later I re-applied for a different position, same company. They told me I had to re-do the CCAT. So I purchased the practice test and found the tips and practice extremely helpful. I identified exactly where I made mistakes the first time and focused on improving my strengths. I passed the test the second time, made it through an interview and then receieved a job offer from the company!